
Prancing around in the green meadow
but dreading the sight of that fellow

Suddenly Passion in our eyes
and drama in our lives

Gathering knowledge about us
though time is moving very fast

Enjoying our every moment together
knowing deep down it won’t last forever

Relish, delight, strength and happiness
surrounds us with no limits

Thunder strikes
and so does our fights

The tale of our elation couldn’t last long
and we both disappeared into the fog!
— —

Just a random thought floating around in my mind as time goes by. 

I hope you enjoy reading my post!


41 thoughts on “Almost

  1. Aricouture says:

    Great little post you got here!

    I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you for the Blue Sky tag. So if you’re interested in doing it, you can check out my blog for the rules.😊

    Liked by 1 person

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